Welcome to CAPFITOGEN3 local mode
Local mode is the most recent version of the tools. In this version, the user must download and install on their PC software associated with R and a set of folders and files to analyze information locally. Users only need to have an internet connection to download the software installers and data sets prepared for this version. Local mode has only been tested on Windows operating system, but it may work on other systems if the appropriate software installers are downloaded. Unlike version 2.0, CAPFITOGEN3 local mode does not use a web form interface, since the installation and operation of the virtual server connecting the interface with R caused problems to some users. For the new version, the user is presented with the scripts (programming lines) to configure and run the tools; however, it is not necessary to have any prior knowledge of R or its language to apply the scripts. The user configures each parameter through a script (as in the web form of version 2.0) to produce all the elements that the script of the corresponding tool requires to execute the functions and obtain the desired results. For more detailed information on how to use CAPFITOGEN3 local mode, please download the explanation here.
Steps to install CAPFITOGEN3 local mode
In summary, the user must download a set of folders and files necessary to run the tools, the scripts which are the core of CAPFITOGEN3, and the R and Rstudio installers. For local mode, this version also requires the user to download and install R and RStudio from the following links:
R: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/
RStudio desktop (please choose the free version): https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download
Be aware that some R packages requireb by CAPFITOGEN3 tools will attempt to install (if not already installed) at the time of using each tool (it may delay the first run of each tool) and older version of R may not support these versions of the packages.
Once these programs are installed, the user must download the set of folders and files from
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EJw-XcC1NRVFS7mwzlg1VpQBpRCdfWRd/view?usp=sharing (Last update 30/07/2024)
to install it locally on their PC. The user will obtain a file called ‘CAPFITOGEN3.zip’ (6.1 GB). When unzipping this file in a path on the hard drive (it is recommended that this is done directly to the root of the disk), a folder called ‘CAPFITOGEN3’ will appear. Within this folder, the user will find the complete set of folders and files necessary to run the tools.
Finally, the user needs to download the file ‘scripts.zip’ (1 Mb) from here. (Last update 30/07/2024)
After unzipping this file, the folders with the parameter scripts (in Spanish and English) and the tool scripts will appear. The folders of scripts can be saved anywhere in the local drive. Just by double-clicking on any of the scripts in those folders (identified with the name of each tool), the user can start configuring the parameters and running the tool. For more details on how to use CAPFITOGEN3 local mode in RStudio, please download this file.
When using CAPFITOGEN3 (whatever tool or parameters) scripts in RStudio, note these scripts are encoded in UTF-8 and RStudio by default will try to open them as if they were encoded in ISO-8859-1. However you should not have problems to display them following these directions: open any CAPFITOGEN3 script in RStudio (since RStudio is configured to open scripts in ISO-8859-1 code by default, not a single line will be displayed in the text editor tab). Then go to the option “File – Reopen with Encoding…” and in the popup menu for encoders select “UTF-8″, and please do not forget to click on the option “Set as default encoding for source files” and finally click on the “OK” button. Immediately the script should appear in the text editor tab showing its lines.
Note for scripts developed previous to 2024. Working with R 3.6.3 version
If you wish it, you can work CAPFITOGEN3 tools under the most recent released R version (most recommended as long as you use the most modern versions of the scripts). For previous versions like 3.6.3, it is necessary to download the set of R packages required by the tool scripts. To do this, the user needs to download the file ‘library_forR3.6.3.zip’ (162 MB) from here. (Last update 17/01/2022)
After unzipping it, a folder called ‘library’ will appear, which should replace the folder with the same name located in the path where R was installed (in Windows OS it is usually the path C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.3). To replace this folder, it is necessary to first remove the ‘library’ folder from the original R installation, and then copy and paste the ‘library’ folder that was downloaded. Then, the path to ‘library’ folder will be: …\Program Files\R\R-3.6.3\library, and to find, for example, the folder containing the files required for the package ‘ade4’ will be: …\Program Files\R\R-3.6.3\library\ade4. Please check that the location of the replaced folder ‘library’ meets these requirements.
Because R is disabling some spatial and GIS packages (end of 2023), for running the tools in 2024 it would be possible users have to follow the same instructions described above for R3.6.3 but this time for R 4.2.2 version, using this zip file which contains all the R packages needed to run the tools designed for R4.2.2.
How to visualize results from CAPFITOGEN3
To visualize results from CAPFITOGEN3 we recommend: for tables and text free accesible software for preadsheets and word processors. For raster and vectorial maps, we strongly recommend the use of Q GIS software, available from here: https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html
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