CAPFITOGEN workshop in China for Forest Genetic Resources conservation activities in Asia

We are pleased to announce we will provide our training in CAPFITOGEN tools utilization for Forest Genetic Resources technicians from 12-15 Asiatic countries in China, from 10-13 October 2018, in Binzhou City, Shandong, China, during the Third Regional Training Course on Forest Genetic Resources – Spatial approaches for assesing the status and trends of native tree species. This course will take place in the Center of Forest Genetic Resources, operated and managed by the Chinese Academy of Forestry. These training courses are activities under the APFORGIS project, coordinated by Bioversity International, APFORGEN(Asia Pacific Forest Genetic Resources Programme)  and other Asian institutions.

Partners of the APFORGIS project

Partners of the APFORGIS project

We are happy to contribute for the conservation of forest target  species in Asia.

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