This is the team behind CAPFITOGEN and CAPFITOGEN3 tools:Who we are in the CAPFITOGEN program




Coordinator, author of the tools and trainer

Mauricio Parra Quijano

Associate Professor

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Bogotá


hmparraq /at/




Shelagh Kell

Nigel Maxted

School of Biosciences, Universidad de Birmingham


Francisco López

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

José María Iriondo

Professor – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)


Lucía de la Rosa & Rosa García

Plant Genetic Resources Centre, CRF-INIA (Spain)


María Elena Torres Lamas

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Technical assistance

Ada Martínez, Ana María Díaz

English translations


Jade Phillips

Edition of the CAPFITOGEN3 manual (English version)


Mario Vidor – EPAGRI Santa Catarina (Brazil)

Cristiane Vendruscolo

Portuguese translation


Lextrend Information Technologies

CAPFITOGEN v2.0 interface


Jesus Escalante, Estefany Salas, Kelly Darghan

CAPFITOGEN3 server installation


And thousands of CAPFITOGEN followers around the world!


  1. Michael Nduche 05/08/2021 at 4:51 pm

    Please I am Michael Nduche, a PHd student at

  2. Michael Nduche 05/08/2021 at 4:57 pm

    Please I am Michael Nduche, a PhD student at University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. I uploaded a distribution data table into Tes Table of the CAPFITOGEN 3, it analysed it with some error messages. I corrected the errors and uploaded it again, but it has refused to analyse the data. Please kindly help me on what to do
    Many thanks

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