Updated structure for a new set of CAPFITOGEN tools

New structure for the next CAPFITOGEN tools version is ready.

We can announce progress in developing our tools, which are our vehicle to transfer technology to national germplasm technician and curators around the world. We have been working to update the html-java-R structure which supports CAPFITOGEN tools in order to create about five new tools, most of them focused on in situ conservation. The former structure (supporting tools for version 1.2) is no longer suitable due its R version has become obsolete. Updating R means several changes in other pillars of the CAPFITOGEN tools structure such as the installer (CAPFITOGEN.exe), R-packages and tools scripts. Additionally some test runs were required. Now the updated structure is ready to use.

We updated R for the forthcoming tools

We updated R for the forthcoming tools

New structure allows us to develop new tools taking advantages from the most recent technical and scientific contributions contained in updated R packages (for R 3.1.2 version). This means new methods and optimized processes available. Thus, the repowered structure of the CAPFITOGEN tools will be the base for at least three new in situ conservation tools and two additional tools to extend the range of current use of the set of our ex situ tools.


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