En ésta sección encontrará los vínculos para descargar los archivos .tif de las capas de información ecogeográfica ajustadas para poder ser utilizadas por las herramientas CAPFITOGEN versión 2.0 y CAPFITOGEN3. Se trata de conjuntos de datos cortados y ajustados para 165 países y cuatro regiones (Suramérica, Mesoamérica, SADC y cobertura global-world). Los datos corresponden a capas/mapas ráster (información dispuesta en cuadrículas) de 1×1, 5×5, 10×10 y/o 20×20 km de lado (resoluciones de capa/mapa). Para cada país o región puede cambiar las resoluciones, dependiendo especialmente de su extensión: países o regiones grandes las resoluciones suelen ser menor (5×5, 10×10 o 20×20), para los países medios a pequeños las resoluciones disponibles suelen ser mayores (1×1 y 5×5). Las capas se pueden descargar desde aquí:
A través de este link, el usuario ingresa a la carpeta compartida «rdatamaps» en Google drive, busca el país o región, la resolución requerida y las capas que se desee descargar para su trabajo. Para el caso de los usuarios de CAPFITOGEN3 modo local, las capas descargadas deben ser ubicadas en la carpeta «rdatamaps» (CAPFITOGEN3/rdatamaps), conservando la misma estructura que tiene la información en la carpeta compartida de Google Drive, así:
Por ejemplo, si se requiere usar la variable «Temperatura media anual» para Argentina con una resolución 5×5 km, se debe buscar en la carpeta de Google Drive, descargar y luego ubicar la capa así:
A diferencia de como se realizaba este proceso antes, la descarga se puede hacer capa a capa o carpeta a carpeta (esta última opción requiere que Google Drive realice una compresión y puede tomar un tiempo considerable). Las 177 capas de información disponibles para CAPFITOGEN se observan en la tabla a continuación(así como también en el archivo Variables names – Nombres de variables.xlsx, con una descripción más completa):
1 | alt | Elevation. Meters above the sea level | Worldclim | Geophysic |
2 | aspect | Aspect (degree) of the land. 0 and 359 degrees correspond to north. | DEM from SRTM | Geophysic |
3 | bio_1 | Annual Mean Temperature | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
4 | bio_10 | Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
5 | bio_11 | Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
6 | bio_12 | Annual Precipitation | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
7 | bio_13 | Precipitation of Wettest Month | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
8 | bio_14 | Precipitation of Driest Month | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
9 | bio_15 | Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
10 | bio_16 | Precipitation of Wettest Quarter | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
11 | bio_17 | Precipitation of Driest Quarter | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
12 | bio_18 | Precipitation of Warmest Quarter | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
13 | bio_19 | Precipitation of Coldest Quarter | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
14 | bio_2 | Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp – min temp)) | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
15 | bio_3 | Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100) | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
16 | bio_4 | Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100) | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
17 | bio_5 | Max Temperature of Warmest Month | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
18 | bio_6 | Min Temperature of Coldest Month | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
19 | bio_7 | Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6) | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
20 | bio_8 | Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
21 | bio_9 | Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
22 | eastness | Eastness | Derived from DEM | Geophysic |
23 | northness | Northness | Derived from DEM | Geophysic |
24 | prec_1 | Precipitation January | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
25 | prec_10 | Precipitation October | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
26 | prec_11 | Precipitation November | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
27 | prec_12 | Precipitation December | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
28 | prec_2 | Precipitation February | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
29 | prec_3 | Precipitation March | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
30 | prec_4 | Precipitation April | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
31 | prec_5 | Precipitation May | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
32 | prec_6 | Precipitation June | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
33 | prec_7 | Precipitation July | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
34 | prec_8 | Precipitation August | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
35 | prec_9 | Precipitation September | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
36 | ref_depth | Reference depth of the soil unit | HWS Database | Edaphic |
37 | s_bs | Subsoil Base Saturation | HWS Database | Edaphic |
38 | s_caco3 | Subsoil Calcium Carbonate | HWS Database | Edaphic |
39 | s_caso4 | Subsoil Gypsum | HWS Database | Edaphic |
40 | s_cec_clay | Subsoil CEC (clay) | HWS Database | Edaphic |
41 | s_cec_soil | Subsoil CEC (soil) | HWS Database | Edaphic |
42 | s_clay | Subsoil Clay Fraction | HWS Database | Edaphic |
43 | s_ece | Subsoil Salinity | HWS Database | Edaphic |
44 | s_esp | Subsoil Sodicity | HWS Database | Edaphic |
45 | s_gravel | Subsoil Gravel Content | HWS Database | Edaphic |
46 | s_oc | Subsoil Organic Carbon | HWS Database | Edaphic |
47 | s_ph_h2o | Subsoil pH (H2O) | HWS Database | Edaphic |
48 | s_ref_bulk | Subsoil Reference Bulk Density | HWS Database | Edaphic |
49 | s_sand | Subsoil Sand Fraction | HWS Database | Edaphic |
50 | s_silt | Subsoil Silt Fraction | HWS Database | Edaphic |
51 | s_teb | Subsoil total exchangeable bases | HWS Database | Edaphic |
52 | slope | Slope (in degrees) of the land surface | Derived from DEM | Geophysic |
53 | t_bs | Topsoil Base Saturation | HWS Database | Edaphic |
54 | t_caco3 | Topsoil Calcium Carbonate | HWS Database | Edaphic |
55 | t_caso4 | Topsoil Gypsum | HWS Database | Edaphic |
56 | t_cec_clay | Topsoil CEC (clay) | HWS Database | Edaphic |
57 | t_cec_soil | Topsoil CEC (soil) | HWS Database | Edaphic |
58 | t_clay | Topsoil Clay Fraction | HWS Database | Edaphic |
59 | t_ece | Topsoil Salinity | HWS Database | Edaphic |
60 | t_esp | Topsoil Sodicity | HWS Database | Edaphic |
61 | t_gravel | Topsoil Gravel Content | HWS Database | Edaphic |
62 | t_oc | Topsoil Organic Carbon | HWS Database | Edaphic |
63 | t_ph_h2o | Topsoil pH (H2O) | HWS Database | Edaphic |
64 | t_ref_bulk | Topsoil Reference Bulk Density | HWS Database | Edaphic |
65 | t_sand | Topsoil Sand Fraction | HWS Database | Edaphic |
66 | t_silt | Topsoil Silt Fraction | HWS Database | Edaphic |
67 | t_teb | Topsoil total exchangeable bases | HWS Database | Edaphic |
68 | tmax_1 | Maximum temperature January | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
69 | tmax_10 | Maximum temperature October | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
70 | tmax_11 | Maximum temperature November | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
71 | tmax_12 | Maximum temperature December | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
72 | tmax_2 | Maximum temperature February | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
73 | tmax_3 | Maximum temperature March | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
74 | tmax_4 | Maximum temperature April | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
75 | tmax_5 | Maximum temperature May | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
76 | tmax_6 | Maximum temperature June | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
77 | tmax_7 | Maximum temperature July | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
78 | tmax_8 | Maximum temperature August | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
79 | tmax_9 | Maximum temperature September | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
80 | tmean_1 | Mean temperarure January | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
81 | tmean_10 | Mean temperarure October | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
82 | tmean_11 | Mean temperarure November | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
83 | tmean_12 | Mean temperarure December | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
84 | tmean_2 | Mean temperarure February | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
85 | tmean_3 | Mean temperarure March | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
86 | tmean_4 | Mean temperarure April | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
87 | tmean_5 | Mean temperarure May | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
88 | tmean_6 | Mean temperarure June | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
89 | tmean_7 | Mean temperarure July | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
90 | tmean_8 | Mean temperarure August | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
91 | tmean_9 | Mean temperarure September | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
92 | tmin_1 | Minimum temperature January | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
93 | tmin_10 | Minimum temperature October | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
94 | tmin_11 | Minimum temperature November | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
95 | tmin_12 | Minimum temperature December | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
96 | tmin_2 | Minimum temperature February | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
97 | tmin_3 | Minimum temperature March | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
98 | tmin_4 | Minimum temperature April | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
99 | tmin_5 | Minimum temperature May | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
100 | tmin_6 | Minimum temperature June | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
101 | tmin_7 | Minimum temperature July | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
102 | tmin_8 | Minimum temperature August | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
103 | tmin_9 | Minimum temperature September | Worldclim | Bioclimatic |
104 | vapr_1 | Water vapor pressure January | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
105 | vapr_2 | Water vapor pressure February | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
106 | vapr_3 | Water vapor pressure March | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
107 | vapr_4 | Water vapor pressure April | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
108 | vapr_5 | Water vapor pressure May | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
109 | vapr_6 | Water vapor pressure June | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
110 | vapr_7 | Water vapor pressure July | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
111 | vapr_8 | Water vapor pressure August | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
112 | vapr_9 | Water vapor pressure September | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
113 | vapr_10 | Water vapor pressure October | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
114 | vapr_11 | Water vapor pressure November | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
115 | vapr_12 | Water vapor pressure December | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
116 | vapr_annual | Water vapor pressure Annual | Worldclim2 | Bioclimatic |
117 | wind_1 | Wind speed January | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
118 | wind_2 | Wind speed February | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
119 | wind_3 | Wind speed March | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
120 | wind_4 | Wind speed April | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
121 | wind_5 | Wind speed May | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
122 | wind_6 | Wind speed June | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
123 | wind_7 | Wind speed July | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
124 | wind_8 | Wind speed August | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
125 | wind_9 | Wind speed September | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
126 | wind_10 | Wind speed October | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
127 | wind_11 | Wind speed November | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
128 | wind_12 | Wind speed December | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
129 | wind_annual | Wind speed Annual | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
130 | srad_1 | Solar radiation January | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
131 | srad_2 | Solar radiation February | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
132 | srad_3 | Solar radiation March | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
133 | srad_4 | Solar radiation April | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
134 | srad_5 | Solar radiation May | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
135 | srad_6 | Solar radiation June | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
136 | srad_7 | Solar radiation July | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
137 | srad_8 | Solar radiation August | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
138 | srad_9 | Solar radiation September | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
139 | srad_10 | Solar radiation October | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
140 | srad_11 | Solar radiation November | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
141 | srad_12 | Solar radiation December | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
142 | srad_annual | Solar radiation Annual | Worldclim2 | Geophysic |
143 | t_awc1 | Available soil water capacity (volumetric fraction) for h1 – topsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
144 | s_awc1 | Available soil water capacity (volumetric fraction) for h1 – subsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
145 | t_awc2 | Available soil water capacity (volumetric fraction) for h2 – topsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
146 | s_awc2 | Available soil water capacity (volumetric fraction) for h2 – subsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
147 | t_awc3 | Available soil water capacity (volumetric fraction) for h3 – topsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
148 | s_awc3 | Available soil water capacity (volumetric fraction) for h3 – subsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
149 | t_awcts | Saturated water content (volumetric fraction) for tS – topsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
150 | s_awcts | Saturated water content (volumetric fraction) for tS – subsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
151 | depth_rock | Depth to bedrock (R horizon) up to 200 cm | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
152 | r_horizon | Probability of occurrence of R horizon | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
153 | t_bulk_dens | Bulk density (fine earth) in kg / cubic-meter – topsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
154 | s_bulk_dens | Bulk density (fine earth) in kg / cubic-meter – subsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
155 | t_cecsol | Cation exchange capacity of soil in cmolc/kg – topsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
156 | s_cecsol | Cation exchange capacity of soil in cmolc/kg – subsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
157 | t_clay_cont | Clay content (0-2 micro meter) mass fraction in % – topsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
158 | s_clay_cont | Clay content (0-2 micro meter) mass fraction in % – subsoil | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
159 | t_coarse_frag | Coarse fragments volumetric in % | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
160 | s_coarse_frag | Coarse fragments volumetric in % | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
161 | t_oc_dens | Soil organic carbon density in kg per cubic-m | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
162 | s_oc_dens | Soil organic carbon density in kg per cubic-m | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
163 | t_oc_stock | Soil organic carbon stock in tons per ha | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
164 | s_oc_stock | Soil organic carbon stock in tons per ha | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
165 | t_oc_cont | Soil organic carbon content (fine earth fraction) in g per kg | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
166 | s_oc_cont | Soil organic carbon content (fine earth fraction) in g per kg | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
167 | t_ph_hox | Soil pH x 10 in H2O | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
168 | s_ph_hox | Soil pH x 10 in H2O | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
169 | t_ph_kcl | Soil pH x 10 in KCl | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
170 | s_ph_kcl | Soil pH x 10 in KCl | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
171 | sodicity | Sodic soil grade | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
172 | t_silt_cont | Silt content (2-50 micro meter) mass fraction in % | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
173 | s_silt_cont | Silt content (2-50 micro meter) mass fraction in % | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
174 | t_sand_cont | Sand content (50-2000 micro meter) mass fraction in % | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
175 | s_sand_cont | Sand content (50-2000 micro meter) mass fraction in % | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
176 | t_soilwater_cap | Available soil water capacity (volumetric fraction) until wilting point | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
177 | s_soilwater_cap | Available soil water capacity (volumetric fraction) until wilting point | Soilgrids | Edaphic |
*Nota: En noviembre de 2023 estamos migrando todos los sets de capas ecogeográficas a una nueva cuenta exclusiva de Google Drive para CAPFITOGEN3. Puede que las capas a nivel 1×1 no estén todas disponibles inicialmente, pero se espera hacerlas disponibles todas tan pronto como sea posible.
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