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He went to my Dr appt again yesterday and I could tell, my Dr was appalled at what came out of hubbies mouth. Greg (hubbie) wouldn't even pronounce the condition correctly. That is how much he believes in the diagnosis. He kept saying fibromynalga. What a dip. My Dr strongly suggest we get counseling. I didn't tell him we were going to divorce. I could barely sit there without wanting to slap the crap out of Greg.
Like Brian saw my love for family and friends as a threat to our love for one another, your husband may have seen your addiction as he would see an affair--that this "secret love" in your life--your body's need for the pills--was so overpowering--that you chose them over him--and chose to keep it secret. It's so important that he continues to read about addiction as a disease...not a betrayal. And while he is doing need to know that you are doing the best you can. I just know that his full support would take so much of that guilt away from you, and would help you recover so much more quickly. He needs to have that faith in that you can know that your recovery is all that is important to him. Not the past.
This new years, my first new years eve with my new girl, i wanted to take her out with the group to a nice banquet hall thing with everybody and she liked the ideas, but then we found out that my ex was supposed to be there too. Since the ex was scheduled to go with the group (our group does lots of things together) she refused to go. so instead, i spent time with my current girlfriend on new years alone, just the two of us. it was nice mind you, but it would have been nice to be with all our friends.
I hope you are able to find out if you need TRT. A good doctor will take into account a variety of factors and give you your options, then work with you if you do the TRT.
About a year later seeing that things were not great again I convinced her to go back to a new doctor as the sex life had dropped off and her libido was so low. The doctor explained that she was at the 'back end' of PND and sent her away for some tests to be conducted in relation to her hormone levels. These came back 'normal' and she was given a course of testosterone patches to help with the libido. These did not work either!! we were then sent for councelling in relation to our sexual relationship. Although this helped short term we soon fell back into the old routing where her libido just wasn't there!