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max dose of sildenafil I just posted an insanely long reply in another thread sharing my story but want to try and condense it here....basically I am 6 mths pregnant and was told I have osteomyelitis of my jaw. I have had severe excruciating pain in my lower left jaw since May '05. I felt it breifly before that in July of '04 but it went away after a few days and it since it has returned I have not gone a day or min w/out it. It has only gotten worse. About 7 yrs ago I had a lot of dental work done in that area, including removal of an impacted wisdom tooth and then root canal/extraction/implant on another tooth in the area. Since the pain started I have been to every type of dr and dentist imaginable...I was in/out of the Er repeatedly(they did nothing), been to numerous dentists, oral surgeons, periodontists, endodontists, neurologists, TMJ drs, pain management, etc. I was on meds for TMJ which did nothing, and then went to a trigeminal neuralgia specialist who put me on anti-seziure meds for 6 mths and when they didn't make a dent in the pain was told I don't have neuralgia. Yet over and over again I have been told by dentists and drs. that I do, when they can't figure out what else it is. I have had my molar tooth in that area removed after being told that might be the problem, only to get a dry socket and end up in more pain and the orginal pain got worse. Then I was told it may be my implant so I had that removed and no change. I've had cat scans, MRI's, and a cavitat. The MRI and cat scan showed nothing abnormal and neither did x-rays. However I went to a holisitic dentist who had me get an I-CAT and she thought she saw something which may be a lesion(nobody else saw anything on it). I was convinced I had NICO lesions but she said from my cavitat that I don't although it was all red on that side. Finally she told me she thinks I have osteomyelitis, she sounded quite certain of it actually but made it sound like it was no big deal and not as bas as NICO. She said my pain should get better now that I am pregnant but it has only gotten worse. In the meantime I started having trouble on my upper right side w/ my back tooth and had 2 root canals and then went to get it removed and the surgeon accidentally removed the tooth next to it which he claimed was not good either. So I had to go and get the original tooth removed as well, so in the past cpl of mths I have had 2 root canals and 2 extractions while pregnant and still have pain on that side as well though it's not the same as the chronic, constant pain on my left. Still I am terrified the same thing is happening to that side and if it wasn't for the baby I would have stopped eating long ago. I have also seeked numerous alternative treatments, including 3 accupuncturists,intuitive healers, 2 cranial sacral therapists, healing workshops, and an extremely expensive holisitc dr. my dentist recommended who said I had a chronic low grade infection but did not know what to do for my jaw. I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars that I don't have and for nothing. I am severely depressed and suicidal from the pain and have been kept on anti-depressants and sleeping pills while pregnant b/c I am in such a bad mental state my dr. fears I will harm myself and yet the drs keep acting like I am crazy and imagining or exaggerating the pain. I have tried a mouth guard and bite tabs b/c I was told something was wrong w. my bite, topical painkiller creams, taken every type of painkiller imaginable, mulitple novacaine injections, and my holisitic dentist put me on a regimen of herbal supplements and nothing has helped the pain. But now every dr. says there is nothing they can do b/c of my being pregnant...I do not want to do anything else that might harm my baby but I need to at least find a dr. who can help me w/ this and take it seriously so that I have a plan after the baby is born b/c I truly cannot live like this much longer. I am in shock finding this site and reading how serious this disease is, and if this is in fact what I have(and I believe it is after reading the stories) I do not understand why my dentist did not seem to be taking it more seriously. Every day I can see my face changing, my cheeks are getting more and more sunken in on my left side and the pain is getting worse. The surgeon I am seeing now says he wants to try injecting the area w/ steroids after the baby is born but other than that, no one seems to have any ideas for me. I am also very ambivalent about taking antibiotics b/c I was told by more then one dr. that they are the reason I have a weakened immune system in the first place, I was on them for yrs as a teenager daily for acne and then long term for my dental problems and then have been taking them about 4-5 xs a yr for chronic throat infections. I am pretty sure they are the reason why this happened to me in the first place...but I really just don't know what to do at this point and am open to ANY and all suggestions from ppl who seem to know what they are talking about and how devastating this pain is. I live in NY(Queens to be exact but very close to manhattan) so if anyone can recommend someone in the city that would be wonderful or even another state, I don't care I will go anywhere and do anything at this point if it might help. I want to be a good mother and I just don't know how I am going to be able to do that while in this much pain. Please help if you can and thank you so much for anyone who took the time to read all this.
All the best.
Yeah sometimes he can be a good to me. It's like he don't want people seeing him being nice to me either. He is at times and but they changes and starts being nasty. We are living at my mothers but he buys all these computers when he knows we need a bed and that we need to find somewhere to live.