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There is some good info in the Atkin's book about Cholesterol being caused by simple carbohydrates (high glycemic), because it raises blood sugar/insulin levels causing your liver to product more cholesterol (most of your cholesterol is produced by your body, not what you eat)
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I did go to the appt. on another day, thank god I did, cause it was the icing on the cake at my hearing. I won!
I’m a 19 year old female in college. I used to call myself the ultimate procrastinator because I can never get my assignments done until the day before their due. I’ve had this problem quite some time and is has become a major issue in my life. I started college at 17 and flunked my first semester because I had the tendency to wait until the last minute to study for tests or write essays/reports. I’m in my 5th semester but have fail 6/14 classes most of my grades C’s and some D’s . Recently I had a 10 page term paper and 2 books reports due which I knew about 7 weeks in advance. I didn’t start the papers until the day before they were due. I consider this a problem because when I attempt to start my assignments I get to frustrated I sometimes start crying or I get so distracted I put the assignment off until its to late. Also I originally thought I had some type of dyslexia because I failed math classes due to the fact that I read and wrote a lot of the numbers backwards unconsciously which resulted in a lot of wrong answers. I worked as a cashier in a grocery store and had trouble giving the totals to the customers because my eyes would see one thing but it was like my mind processed the numbers backwards. For example I would see 47.25 but I would say 52.74. If you have any information please help me understand what’s going on. Either I have a disorder or I’m really just a lazy procrastinator. Unless I get past this I feel I won't be successful in life.