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Hi ladys thanks for taking the time to read this ,I would really appreciate any advice on this matter .I had a small ployp diagnosed last year July and am waiting to have it taken out .For a few weeks I have been experiencing cramps like period pains and upon a interal by my G.P was told my womb felt bulky she sent me for a pregnancy test which turned out to be negative and I m giong back to see her on Tuesday but Im really worried in case the ployp has grown I also sometimes have a sharp pain just inside my vagina on the left side .I also suffer from overlation syndrome ,a sight prolapes of my cervix and heavy periods with lots of clots .......basically my womb is falling apart .It would be nice to know of other ladys who are members of the ployp gang ,thanks for any replies the infomation advalible re ployps in Engalnd is rubbish and I don,t know of anyone else with polyps other than one who had ployps for two years and had them removed to find out they were pre cancer. love from wet cold englandxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
One person wrote that her husband is benefiting from taking glutathine.
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