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Hi, My name is Stacia and I am 26 years old, just turned it. I am really scared. I am from Palos Hills, Illinois, near Chicago. I had my first anxiety/panic attack January 10th 2003. I rushed myself from work to the er at a local hospital and felt like I was choking. I literally felt like something was slipping down my throat. It took 3 doctors to tell me nothing was in my throat for me to believe them. Since then, I have not been the same. Of course now I have several issues in my young years leading up to what I think caused my initial breakdown, but of the most recent was March, 2002, a family friend, like my uncle, was missing and found dead in a river locally. In March of 2001 my friend, co-worker Kim was dianosed with breast cancer and I watched her for 2 years die. She was 34 with 3 kids and everyday she came to work. She came crying and sometimes throwing up, screaming from pain and alot of the times I would over hear her on the phone telling her mom she didnt want to die. It was the worst feeling I ever had to go went from the docs saying all was ok to it spread and then to her bones and they winded up giving her 2 months to live. Well, my grandma is August 2002, had a major stroke and then was in rehab getting better and something went wrong September 12th 2002 and she passed away. Then I had my attack in January 2003 and in February 2003, Kim died. It was terrible. This girl was a little over weight and I was an inspiration to her so of course after she got bad, and lost so much weight, it was like she reached her goal though I couldnt congratulate her on it, it was so terrible. She was in school and everything and the only thing she wanted was to live to be with her kids because she was a single mother. Well anyway I worked, or we worked for a medical malpractice attorney and for those that know the field know that basically doctors are caught being crooked and missing things, misdiagnosing and such. Well, without realizing it, I developed OCD and became obsessed with the fact that I am dying. Not only from anything imparticular, it changes everyday. See originally I noticed a swollen lymph node on the right side olf my neck and then groin and I flipped of course...I had to go to 8 docs in the whole time till now...and some more than once to moitor this lymph node...then after being reassured that the lymphs were ok, I have now become upset and obsessed with the idea of having breast cancer...I do breast ecams at least 3 times a week and I think I have aggrovated them...I have a doctor examining and monitoring all my concerns but nothing he says is helping me...Just recently last friday I had a little white discharge come from my right nipple...I FREAKED, I mean I had to have 10 panic attacks in a row...I almost went to the er room...supposidly when I got a hold of the doc, it is normal, it is nothing unless it is bloody to worry about. I dont have kids, I am certinly not nursing so I freaked. It wasnt alot but enough over the tip to I now have an obsession with squeezing it...I it has been a week, I seen the doctor he examined me, said nothing to worry about and now after a week of it not happening today I wake up, had a nightmare as I frequently have and all of a sudden I freaked thinking it is possible my right nipple is lower then my I freaked called my friend who works for a hospital in the city and the oncologist reassured everything was ok. So, I decided to take the "Buspar" that I was given and I got very nauseas when I took it so I was sick for a few hours...just the feeling...and then I felt better and went to get some movies, chinese food ya know to relax..well my friend knows how freaked I am about this so agter talking to the oncologist at work he came to show me how to do a breast exam according to him and during itm it happened again...(the discharge) so now hours later I CANT RELAX...I was told not to worry unless its red or yellow or green, this is like milk. I was told I am lactaiding and it is nothing and it happens to like 27% of women so not every woman will have even heard of it happening to someone not of course because I never seen it before I am freaked...and of course, I am alsoup at 3am writing here...because I cant is called "witches milk"??? I dont know, so I live everyday as though I am going to find out I have cancer. I live in fear and I cannot concentrate on me anymore...I cannot concentrate on school, my career, or anything. I am not me, I live in fear and all I do is remain scared...I dont know what to do...does anyone else go through anything like this? Please I would love to meet someone who has or does, this is the worst and I would trade in almost anything I have to not have to go through this anymore. Please help me...anyone out there??? Please email me at am 26 and I feel like I cannot live my life in peace. Nothing relaxes me NOTHING!!!
I started taking Fosamax 70mg about a month ago and was at my cardiologists today because of heart palpitations. I have a MVP and have had a few flutters now and then, however in the past week it has been every day and night and they are more severe. I have scheduled an echo stress test and taking a beta blocker to see if it makes a difference. He also suggested drinking more water and adding a little more salt to my diet. (such as a couple of pretzels). Interesting about the Fosamax. I have also been taking calcium citrate, vitamin D3 and Strontium to treat Osteoporosis. My cardio Dr. told me to stop taking the Strontium which was prescribed by my natropathic Dr. I see him nest week and I'm sure he will be thrilled! What a mess!
Also, once you have scarring, does that mean your lungs are damaged and it could still turn into cancer?
Hi, I am 22 years old and for the last year and a half I have not felt like myself. I have had my blood tested 6 times in this period and everytime the doctor has told me there is nothing wrong with me until the last test. My doctor said that my thyroid test came back a little iffy but it is probably nothing to worry about. He ordered a T3 test, and if it shows anything than I will get a T4 test. At first, I didn't think anything of it because I always thought thyroid problems were for older people and the only thing it affects is your metabolism. So I went to the library and did some research on it and realized that there are a lot of different symptoms. The symptoms I have are: